Cash-Out Bridge Loan for Medical Office Building, Laguna Niguel, CA

Transaction Description:

George Smith Partners secured a senior bridge loan for a 21,303 square foot office building in Laguna Niguel, CA. The Subject Property was unencumbered; hence the entire loan was comprised of cash-out proceeds which the Borrower is utilizing for a separate project they are developing. The loan represents approximately 60% of the original purchase price and was structured with a 1-year initial term with interest only payments. The loan allows for open prepayment and carries two 6-month extension options.

The loan was collateralized by a recently renovated 21,303 square foot office building. The building had recently upgraded the facade, landscaping, parking lot, entrance, lobby, bathrooms, HVAC and other interior finishes. A new roof and solar system had also been installed. The building was 47% occupied at loan funding. The first-floor single tenant had vacated at lease expiration several months prior leaving limited debt service coverage and unusually high vacancy compounded by other COVID related issues.

GSP selected a lender that was able to move incredibly quick to accommodate the Borrower’s development timeline. The Lender’s credit department approved the loan one-week post submission and did not require an appraisal to close. The Lender underwrote to the stabilized asset value, closed with no debt service reserve and no personal recourse.

  • Rate: 5.90%
  • Term: 12 months
  • Amortization: Interest Only
  • Loan Fee: 1.0%
  • Prepayment: Open
  • Options: Two 6-Month Extensions; 0.50% Fee
  • Personal Guaranty: None

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