$38,500,000 Bridge Financing for a Two-Property Multifamily Portfolio; Sanford, FL

Transaction Description:

George Smith Partners successfully placed a $38,500,000 bridge loan for the acquisition and renovation of two multifamily properties located in Sanford, Florida. The two Properties total 260 units and are located across the street from one another. GSP sourced a lender that was able to maximize proceeds at a low rate by crossing the properties with release provisions. The two properties were allocated at different loan amounts for their release provisions. One property is a 1970’s vintage single-story, 120-unit, apartment complex that had an initial loan of $14,150,000. The other property is a 1990’s vintage, two-story, 140-unit, garden-style apartment complex that was allocated at an initial loan amount of $20,800,000. The loan was sized to 79% LTC and includes the portfolio’s capital improvement and renovation budget. The Sponsor intends on renovating approximately 75% of the units within the 3-year loan term.

  • Rate: One Month CME Term SOFR + 3.60% (0.25% Floor Rate)
  • Term: 3 Years, Two 12-Month Extensions
  • Amortization: Full Term Interest-Only
  • LTV: 80% (As-Is LTV)
  • LTC: 79%
  • Prepayment: 15 Months Minimum Interest Period
  • Loan Fee: 1% Origination Fee, 0.25% Exit Fee
  • Guaranty: Non-Recourse

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