FINfacts™ XXIV – No. 49 | December 14, 2016

Prime Rate 3.50
1 Month LIBOR 0.70
6 Month LIBOR 1.30
5 Yr Swap 2.04
10 Yr Swap 2.41
5 Yr US Treasury 2.04
10 Yr US Treasury 2.58
30 Yr US Treasury 3.18

In the Press

George Smith Partners Principal Steve Bram was interviewed by Multi-Housing News for his outlook on 2017 multifamily trends. Mr. Bram offers his opinion on how multifamily investors, owners and developers should observe market fundamentals and politics for shifts on the horizon in terms of real estate financing. The article expounds on the effects of a change of availability for real estate financing, the rise of interest rates and loosening regulations. Read the full article here.


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