FINfacts™ XXIV – No. 48 | December 7, 2016

Prime Rate 3.50
1 Month LIBOR .65
6 Month LIBOR 1.29
5 Yr Swap 1.80
10 Yr Swap 2.17
5 Yr US Treasury 1.80
10 Yr US Treasury 2.34
30 Yr US Treasury 3.08


Managing Director/Principal, Gary M. Tenzer will be moderating a panel on the 2017 Financial Outlook, at the upcoming Connect Westside Los Angeles Conference on December 13. Panelists include industry experts and leaders in commercial real estate financing from construction lending, CMBS and crowdfunding. Conference registration is available online.


Constellation Place
10250 Constellation Blvd., Ste. 2300
Los Angeles, CA 90067
Office (310) 557-8336
Fax (310) 557-1276
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