FINfacts™ XXIV – No. 41 | October 12, 2016

Prime Rate 3.50
1 Month LIBOR .53
6 Month LIBOR 1.26
5 Yr Swap 1.30
10 Yr Swap 1.60
5 Yr US Treasury 1.30
10 Yr US Treasury 1.77
30 Yr US Treasury 2.50

Los Angeles City Calls Upon Developers to Address Housing Affordability

Los Angeles City issued an RFQ/P to developers interested in building on city-owned land as an initiative to decrease homelessness (approximately 28,464 living unsheltered) and increase affordable housing. 12 potential sites were identified, allowing developers to submit proposals on one, multiple, or all sites. This RFQ/P is considered round one and a future second round with additional sites is expected. Submissions for this initial round were due September 15, 2016. Winning proposals may receive an Exclusive Negotiating Agreement, but the City has yet to announce when winners will be chosen for round one. Click for additional specifics on this Affordable Housing Opportunity RFQ/P.     Huber Bongolan, Jr.


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