May 2021
Transaction Description:
George Smith Partners secured a $5,220,000 refinance loan for a five-tenant retail center located on a major commercial avenue in Los Angeles. The loan is fixed at a rate of 3.50% for 5 years and does not require any holdbacks. The transaction went into application and was closed during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Retail property values have been under scrutiny over the past year and declined in some markets. To substantiate property value, GSP emphasized the Property’s infill location and credit tenants. All 5 of the tenants were considered essential businesses and remained open. The Borrower provided three months of collections data to show that the tenants were consistently paying rent. During the site inspection, significant foot traffic was observed. These factors helped support the appraised value and maintain the proceeds in the loan application.
- Rate: 3.50% fixed
- Term: 5 yrs
- Reserve: None
- Amortization: 30 years
- Prepayment Penalty: 3,2,1,1,1
- LTV: 65%
- DCR: 1.25x