$15,100,000 Cash-Out Refinance of a 5-Property Multifamily Portfolio at 3.40% – 70% LTV; Los Angeles, CA

April 2022

Transaction Description:

George Smith Partners arranged $15,100,000 in permanent financing for the refinance of a 5-property multifamily portfolio located in Los Angeles, CA. Using GSP’s vast network of relationships, we were able to source and quickly lock fixed rate financing in a market that is seeing rising interest rates. The Sponsor also wanted to pull cash out of their existing multifamily portfolio to use as equity towards purchasing new properties. The Sponsor had recently completed exterior and interior renovations including common area upgrades to all five properties. The recent improvements allowed the Sponsor to increase rents thus increasing the value of the Property. GSP was able to provide the Sponsor with a 30-year term, with the first 5 years being fixed at a rate of 3.40%. The loan represents 70% loan to value with a minimum 1.20 DSCR. The flexible stepdown prepayment structure is equal to 5,4,3,2,1. The cash-out loan allows the Sponsor to use more equity towards growing their multifamily portfolio. Thanks to GSP’s long-standing relationship with this bank lender, we were able to meet the Sponsors deadline and close this transaction within 35 days from signing the term sheet.

  • Rate: 3.40%
  • Term: 30 years term, fixed for first 5 years
  • LTV: 60%
  • DCR: 1.20

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