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Multifaceted Finance Company with $7 Billion Allocation

GSP identified a non-recourse capital provider funding loans from $30,000,000 to upwards of $500,000,000 with a strong appetite for light bridge deals with some in place cash flow.  Sized to as low as a 4% debt yield on in place cash flow, this lender will fund on an interest only basis to a 1.0 debt coverage ratio.  Loans will generally be 3 years with 2 one year extensions, but can be as long as 7 years. Pricing starts at LIBOR plus 3.25%.  Permanent Debt will be sized to 70% LTV and priced competitively. Only high quality assets in primary markets will be considered.  Mezzanine financing starts at $50,000,000 and up to 70% LTV and will price aggressively for best in class assets.